Welcome to new students joining the lab this semester! Obadiah Mulder (CBB PhD program) will work on single-cell gene regulatory networks. Undergraduate and Masters students Gina, Jaclyn, and Nikith will also join the lab for research experience this semester.
Adam hosted a mini-symposium at eSMB2020 with Russell Rockne (City of Hope). We featured four speakers presenting exciting work under the theme of modeling dynamics in single-cell biology.
Adam has joined the university-wide faculty of USC Stem Cell: an initiative to connect researchers tackling questions in stem cell biology from across the sciences, engineering, and the Keck School of Medicine.
Adam gave a talk at the virtual symposium this week between QCB and USC Stem Cell, focused on increasing collaboration between the two departments. The talk was entitled: Forcing cells to change lineages by cell-cell communication.
MeiLu joins the lab as a PhD student following her rotation with us. She will investigate dynamic cell fate processes through the development of new methods and models for single-cell data.
This week Megan received an honorable mention for her application to the NSF GRFP award program; a great accomplishment. Her research project proposes new models that can explain cell fate decisions through single-cell communication. Congratulations, Megan!
Adam visited the Huck Institute at Penn State this week to give a talk at the Genomics Lecture Series. He spoke about methods to infer transcriptional networks and stem cell dynamics from single-cell genomics.
Gina Yang has won an undergraduate research fellowship to support her honors thesis work in our lab. She is studying cell-cell communication networks in colorectal cancer. Congratulations, Gina!
Adam visited City of Hope today to give a talk on “Inferring the dynamics of hematopoiesis from single-cell data.” City of Hope is a not-for-profit research center and hospital that hosts a large research hub with labs working on many basic and translational challenges in cancer biology.